
Hakalankaari 7,
05460 Hyvinkää

Items information

Item information
Address Hakalankaari 7,
05460 Hyvinkää
House type Apartment building
Number of apartments 33
Parking spaces Yes
Year of construction 1992
Heating mode District heating
Energy class F
Electricity is included in the rent No
Water is included in the rent Yes
Item information 2
Laundry room Yes
Drying room Yes
Clubroom Yes
Outdoor equipment warehouse Yes
Apartment specific storage Yes
There is a sauna in the house Yes
Elevator No
Antenna system Cable network
Internet connection Yes

Available apartments

84,5 m²
1011,39 €
3. floor

All apartments

56,5 m²
704,30 €
1. floor
56,5 m²
711,91 €
2. floor
56,5 m²
718,25 €
3. floor
56,5 m²
704,30 €
1. floor
56,5 m²
711,91 €
2. floor
56,5 m²
718,25 €
3. floor
56,5 m²
704,30 €
1. floor
56,5 m²
711,91 €
2. floor
56,5 m²
718,25 €
3. floor
45 m²
583,74 €
1. floor
40 m²
532,98 €
1. floor
45 m²
588,82 €
2. floor
40 m²
539,33 €
2. floor
45 m²
595,16 €
3. floor
40 m²
544,40 €
3. floor
45 m²
583,74 €
1. floor
40 m²
532,98 €
1. floor
45 m²
588,82 €
2. floor
40 m²
539,33 €
2. floor
45 m²
595,16 €
3. floor
40 m²
544,40 €
3. floor
45 m²
583,74 €
1. floor
40 m²
532,98 €
1. floor
45 m²
588,82 €
2. floor
40 m²
539,33 €
2. floor
45 m²
595,16 €
3. floor
40 m²
544,40 €
3. floor
84,5 m²
1001,24 €
2. floor
84,5 m²
1011,39 €
3. floor
84,5 m²
1001,24 €
2. floor
84,5 m²
1011,39 €
3. floor
84,5 m²
1001,24 €
2. floor
84,5 m²
1011,39 €
3. floor

See also